latest 20 messages by Klamber|ext

+ [2015-09-25T20:38:43Z] Klamber|ext Oh jesus! Everything is so different in Ruby. Solved.
+ [2015-09-25T20:21:01Z] Klamber|ext All files are 777 an no spaces or special characters.
+ [2015-09-25T19:59:54Z] Klamber|ext Can someone help me. Jekyll wont include files given by require, require_realtive. Tested with and without the extension ".rb". Even concated the __FILE__ variable to files and still nothing. Printing out the file path reveals that it's correct and running plugin script with ruby command is working. Ruby version: 1.9.3p484, Jekyll version: 2.5.3, Slackware64 14.1
+ [2015-09-25T16:49:03Z] Klamber|ext It can. Should have tested it before asking. Sorry.
+ [2015-09-25T16:44:04Z] Klamber|ext Hi! Can _plugins directory contain subdirectories for each plugin or should have a main plugin script and it's include dir inside _plugins folder e.g _plugins/my_plugin.rb, _plugins/my_plugin_stuff/...
+ [2015-09-24T21:08:24Z] Klamber|ext Day changed... Good night !
+ [2015-09-24T20:34:38Z] Klamber|ext Didn't notice: found Liquid::TagAttributes.. gonna go where this goes..
+ [2015-09-24T20:29:51Z] Klamber|ext What's the prefered way for cutsom liquid tag paramaeters currently ?
+ [2015-09-24T20:09:27Z] Klamber|ext And many more highlight tags showing up..
+ [2015-09-24T20:08:31Z] Klamber|ext For example look at the "Markdown Processors" section on that page.. I see {% endhighlight %} tag there
+ [2015-09-24T20:04:20Z] Klamber|ext Hey! Was wondering if this page has not rendered correctly:
+ [2015-09-21T13:35:14Z] Klamber|ext Not Jekyll but liquid templating know-how should be here enough :)
+ [2015-09-21T13:34:24Z] Klamber|ext I have another question: divided_by filter returns integer results. How do I do real division ? ( / gives me nothing )
+ [2015-09-21T11:21:37Z] Klamber|ext I think I have it now. Thanks! Sometimes crying out loud helps :D
+ [2015-09-21T11:19:03Z] Klamber|ext I think i got the first part now..
+ [2015-09-21T11:10:13Z] Klamber|ext I'm a liquid n00b you see...